Thursday, July 21, 2011

Another summer in the RV 2011

I've read all the guide books I intend to for now. Time for a nap. And why do I need my sleep? Because I had to go to the vet again today.

This is the second time this summer that I've been to a vet. They are all alike, poking and exploring and putting me up on a slippy metal table. At least today the vet kept giving me treats.

It's nothing to be worried about, really. Just a little eye infection. Better than ticks. That was the reason for my other vet visit this summer. Up north in Minnesota and Wisconsin, the woods are amuck with the little suckers. I had two of them. You can get real sick from those ticks. So Dad drug me to a vet, where I got a prescription for a month to ward off the bad possibilities. I don't mind the pills. Dad buries them in hamburger meat. Yum! But today I got drops for my eyes. Those I do not like.

I secretly enjoyed the first vet because of the cat that lived there. I LOVE to harrass cats. Mom said she does not understand where that comes from. No cat has ever harmed me as far as she knows. I guess I don't have a reason, really.

Don't have a reason for barking sometimes, either. Just like to hear my voice.  Here's how it goes.  I sit at the door to the RV and let out a yip.  Mom puts me out on the long line.  Then she settles in nice and comfy doing what she was doing before I yipped.

Then I let out one little yip.   I know she hears me.  But she ignores it.  It was just one yip, after all.  Then I start again.  At regular intervals, till she opens the door and says, "Do you want to come in?"  I just sit there and look at her.

This goes on for a while till she comes out and makes me come back in, where I most likely get Dad to give me a treat.
Sometimes I just want to play. 
Sometimes I need some petting.   Can you blame a dog?

Here's my album of the summer, just sharing the fun!